Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just call me Susie...

Susie Homemaker that is. ( ;

I have done nothing but clean, clean, and clean, oh and cook, yes and clean ALL day long! It's not exactly how I wanted to spend my Sunday but whatever, It'll do. My lovely sister came over and helped me so it wasn't as bad as it could be... however, I am still doing laundry at 8:34 at night when I usually have my "me" time with no baby wanting all of my attention. lol

On another note, I packed up Savannahs bibs, burp cloths, recieving blankets, and play mat today. *tear* Where did my baby go? I know she is technically still a baby but it's just not the same. She's getting so independent and I know it's not going to be long before she is my age and has a kid of her own. *sigh* Now I know how my mom feels.

My niece told me that today was the first day of Spring. Is that true? She is only 6 years old but I didn't think the first day of Spring was until next week. lol She's the one that goes to school though so who knows!! lol Speaking of Spring, i'm liking this time change so far. I feel a lot better waking up and seeing a 9 on the clock instead of an 8! I know technically i'm not sleeping an extra hour but something about seeing the higher number just makes me feel more rested!! By the way, I woke up this morning to Savannah trying to climb out of the bed. She no longer wakes up and slaps me and says "ba-ba-ba-ba" as she is pulling every single hair on my head. She simply wakes up and gets up and tries to get out of the bed haha!! This must be one of the reasons why they make cribs and suggest that babies sleep in them instead of with their parents... hmm.

As you can tell I really have nothing to blog about tonight so I am going to end it here and go put up another load of laundry. Hope everyone had a lovely day.



Care said...
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Care said...

She is beautiful! Glad I found your blog. It's crazy how big our babies are! I am getting sad. The one year mark is right around the corner and I am already seeing the little toddler in her :(

Beth said...

I know what you mean!! I can't beliece how fast this year has flown by!!